Mutate WP dashboard

Mutate WP

laravel wordpress application development

A project that allows for automatic generation of Wordpress themes and guutenberg blocks from either a Webflow export or a single html file.


  • Allows for the generation of ACF’d Wordpress gutenberg blocks
  • Webflow theme and single HTML file input
  • Fully usable, customizable output
  • Single click, easy-to-use theme transformation

Technical Details

  • Laravel filament admin dashboard
  • Role based access control
  • HTML theme input to ACF’d Wordpress theme output
  • Ability to transform single files instead of full themes
  • Ability to select block delineators (CSS selector to separate blocks)
  • Automatically detects and configures ACF repeater and WYSIWYG fields

Key Features

  • Choose CSS Selector: allows users to input their own CSS selector that denotes what encompasses a block
  • Single File: allows users to transform a single HTML file into one or many gutenberg blocks
  • Full Theme: completely transforms Webflow themes in Wordpress themes, complete with CSS, javascript, and configuration
  • ACF Integrated: automatically detects editable html elements inside the input files, and generates ACF blocks to allow end users to edit content
  • Default Values: uses the content inside each editable field as the default value of that field within ACF, allowing for Webflow site content to flow right into Wordpress as each field’s default values


  • Empower individuals to acquire battery building knowledge and skills with free tools and resources
  • Facilitate growth of DIY battery building community and push battery technology forward
  • Establish CellSaviors as trusted, go-to platform in battery building space © Copyright 2024 . All rights reserved.